Saturday, May 14, 2022

Jumping through hoops

 I titled this post "Jumping through hoops" because for 9 weeks, that's how I felt. I knew from watching the orientation video for my preferred surgeon at Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta, that I was in for a few appointments to get cleared for surgery. What I was not prepared for was the difficulty in getting these procedures scheduled in a timely matter.  Due to Covid, many people had put off their medical visits, and now are feeling safe to make those visits happen. As a result, scheduling appointments was a nightmare. 

This is my pre-surgery checklist:

  • Clearance from primary care doctor
  • Clearance from cardiologist
  • Clearance from pulmonologist (sleep apnea)
  • Barium swallow test
  • Endoscopy
  • Colonoscopy
  • Psychiatric evaluation
  • Two registered dietician visits (which insurance requires but will not pay for, go figure)
  • Initial visit with surgeon
I started this process in late March and finally completed the list May 10. I was able to find a psycological appointment online. The earliest appointment was 6 weeks out, but I booked it due to every other doctor being fully booked for months.  My visit with my primary care, cardiologist and the colonoscopy/endoscopy were booked, rescheduled, rebooked, rescheluded and finally completed. During this process I was so upset with the difficulty of just getting appointments confirmed, I seriously contemplated just stopping the whole process.  It was frustrating, especially since I am a teacher, and had to arrange substitute coverage for each step. Thank God I have a supportive principal who kept telling me not to worry about work, despite it being quarter 4, despite standardized testing, end of the year events, grade recovery, and over all extremely busy. 

Finally all boxes were checked off and my surgeon's office began to put the proposal together for insurance approval.  Let me also mention here, if you have not met your deductible be prepared, each step came with a significant co-pay. The good news is that now I have met my deductible, so the pain for paying for my part of the surgery will be lessened quite a lot. 

As an added bonus, each procedure was reassuring when completed, because they all came out with positive results. Now we wait for insurance approval and surgery scheduling. 

Next: How did I get here?

Saturday, May 7, 2022

First steps

 This is my journal that will chronical my journey towards discovering who I was, and what I can now become.  This summer I plan on having gastric bypass surgery.  After years of depression, anxiety, increased health issues and just purely being fed up with life, I spent time questioning, wondering and praying about what was causing all of these issues and what I needed to do to turn things around. 

 I have this amazing daughter, and these beautiful, smart, sassy and funny grandchildren who I want to see grow and prosper. The way things have been going both emotionally and physically, I knew it was time to seek change.  I suddenly woke up one day determined to reverse my downward trends and to take control of my life.  After more praying, researching, crying and days of despair, I began to read about bariatric surgery. The research began to consume my time. The more I explored, the more it became clear that I needed to seriously consider this surgery. 

The next step was to find a doctor in-network for my insurance.  I was excited to find that my preferred hospital has an excellent bariatric program.  I watched a orientation video presented by my choice of surgeons and thus began the process. 

Next up: Jumping through hoops

Jumping through hoops

 I titled this post "Jumping through hoops" because for 9 weeks, that's how I felt. I knew from watching the orientation video...